
There's always something fun to do at the Bowie Senior Center

  • There’s lots of things going on at the Bowie Senior Center, depending on the day.
  • There’s always a puzzle to work on.
  • There’s Bingo, with prizes, two or three times a month.
  • There are many spontaneous games of 42, before lunch, after lunch, who knows.  It’s not hard to find three other people that want to play a game of 42 at about any time.
  • There’s a monthly craft project.
  • Twice a month there is a Yoga class for seniors.
  • You can get your blood pressure checked weekly by a representative from a local Home Health Agency (different ones come on different weeks).
  • There are various other activities that happen, depending on the interest and/or on what someone is willing to lead/sponsor.
  • There’s even a tea party every so often!
  • Sometimes someone comes in and provides music during lunch.
  • There are periodic presentations, sharing information that is important to seniors, such as health, insurance or medical.


Check the monthly activity calendar to see specific dates for scheduled activities.

Bowie Texas Senior Citizens Project Bingo

Playing Bingo

Learning to paint at the Bowie Senior Center

Learning to paint

build a puzzle at the Bowie Senior Center

Putting together a puzzle

A Dominos 42 Tournament

Crafts at the Bowie, TX Senior Center

Doing a Craft Project

Jack & Sally, the Bowie Senior Center 2024 Valentines King and Queen

The 2024 Valentines King & Queen

Yoga for seniors at the Bowie Senior Center

Yoga class for seniors